Can the systematic distortion of language and its sensory impact cause a change in the morphological receptors within the human mind?

What is the cognitive self?

What is biological psychology?

What is verbal intuition?

What is poetic intuition as a topological space symbolizing a group of symbolic emotions?

Since the universe offers us only examples of independence of mind, where does surrender come from?

How does the mind direct its puzzles and feed them?

How do we understand objective chance, and how does one experience the impossible in one’s own body?

Can a technical being whose limits are known in advance answer all questions about the unconscious, its mysterious energies, and its poetic intuition?

As the earth suffers from global warming and its imminent effects, the earth’s mind also suffers from the intellectual detention of the cognitive ambition of what is above the tangible.

Only poetic intuition in its broadest sense allows such questions to surface.

So does prevailing mental logic now have the legitimacy to push the human imagination toward a radical evolution in collective imaginative fusion?

You may  find the answer to these questions  in the  book : 


Via Litmus Press

The reader of this book will undergo a comprehensive liberation process through the pillars of his/her cognitive views that he/she was fed with since childhood, where he/she will find new physical and non-physical laws of the mind and its neural, sensory, and auditory networks.

Rather, the transcendence of the senses in Will Alexander’s point of view presents an evolutionary concept of the imagination that exceeds what was proposed by the surrealists of the last century, but also Breton Freud combined.

Will Alexander completely breaks down in his philosophical  thesis the  separating  fence between 

what is visible, auditory, tangible, and perhaps hidden as well.

This book represents a clear critical and poetic vision redefining the creative act according to unknown spaces within the human mind.

Will Alexander completely breaks down in his philosophical  thesis the  separating  fence between 

what is visible, auditory, tangible, and perhaps hidden as well.

This book represents a clear critical and poetic vision redefining the creative act according to unknown spaces within the human mind.

A flying philosophical dance without any maestro, orchestra, or even an opera to limit the capabilities of this dance.

The texts and essays of Will Alexander in this book come as a new alchemical reconstruction of the way collective sense communicates.

Alchemy in all its forms, which is seen as an asynchronous and multicultural entity, was and still is concerned with the psychological states that occur in the mind of the practitioner more than with the symbolic alchemical processes themselves.

And just as Will Alexander breaks into opportunities to establish new uses beyond the current mind, he breaks into new spaces to rediscover our bodies and their relationship to our dreams and unconsciousness, that is, what we can call it:

Poetry in its biological form, with which our nerve cells are saturated, and even the extensions of this biological poetry, relate to the movement of the planets in some symbolic and scientific way.

These articles, and texts with their overlapping combination, break the limitations of the internal dimensions of the functions of the mind and their relationship to the sociology of place.

He returns with this horizon to a conception close to the initial conception of the ancient Egyptians about the seven parts of the soul.

To formulate a re-trial of past and contemporary psychology, its failures, and its poor equations that were unable to discover aspects that are still unknown within the unlimited human subconscious.

Even the language used in those articles, we can assert that it came to disturb the usual function of the mind and the language receptors within it.

This transgression of the mental scope of language and its use imposed by modern slavery in all its forms opens vast doors to dismantling every possible psychological prison.

This spontaneous mental mystery is not gratuitous in the language of Will Alexander’s essays in this book, but it is a clear condemnation of the various kinds of prisons of the mind, both on the social level and on the subconscious level.

In this book, Will Alexander reconsiders the ancient civilizations’ view of the human interior in the face of the alienation caused by the modern Western mind. 

Will Alexander doesn’t invoke mystery as a cosmetic tool for his philosophical language, but he carves confusion for the purpose of the interpretive urgency of all that is unknown within the human subconscious to keep the reader constantly in a state of amazement because of what he doesn’t know about himself and his hidden inner hole.

The most important thing that Will Alexander seeks in the way of his comprehensive emancipation of the human imagination is the disengagement between the esoteric and psychic spaces and the influence of the predetermined functioning of the body.

Perhaps we can say that Will Alexander presents a proposition that represents a new reinvention of the technology of the human mind and its unknown capabilities, away from the manufactured ideological dyes that consecrate the concept of the prison of realism.

Will Alexander directly and frankly raises the impossibility of the human mind continuing to harden and adhere to a system of values that essentially eliminates its existence or programs it only to be used in predetermined barbaric paths. 

Will Alexander, with his rare mining into the human mind, presents new possibilities for the human imagination to replace poetry instead of the slavery of everyday life. 

The poetic mind, in Alexander’s view, can transform the sparks that emanate from any subject that the mind can explore into thousands of images that echo endlessly within the poetic unconscious, whether individual or collective, away from any attempts to contain or tame imposed by the social market.

Through this process of systematic distortion of the prevailing mind, the normal person or the poet builds for himself unknown poetic galaxies that enrich him from the tragedy of social exile, where language moves away from being a pre-intended constraint.

This total, concave, comprehensive, and unique dissection of the nature of language and the flexibility of its rhetorical, poetic, and auditory uses and its transition to unknown psychological and morphological levels is what Will Alexander cares about in this book.

There is no higher point of language and its lungs and its conjunctions and divergences in Will Alexander’s concept.

It is like the physics of fire and water, where poetry is the opposite of tangible perception and the prevailing cognitive slavery. 

Then we find a dissection of the philosophical defects that afflicted Western consciousness and the consequences that faced extensions of ancient African thought.

We can see Will Alexander’s apparent fascination with ancient Egyptian civilization and the progress it has made in digging into the mysteries of the human psyche.

This series of articles can be a history of the European mind’s lack and its siege with this deficiency, as Will always seeks to eradicate misnomers from the history of mainstream psychology and manifestations of the disruption of the modern mind.

Will Alexander believes that the ancient Egyptian community of Kemet is the most conscious community that has excavated within the imaginary electrical energy of human beings, even if this excavation came in a primitive way, but it represents an initial plant in the development of biological psychology.

The ancient Egyptians understood that the pineal gland is the light transducer that converts light/color into hormonal signals that can alter the form and function of the physical body and levels of consciousness (mind-body).

These articles can be called sensory boiling morphology which modern science has not revealed yet.

Will Alexander doesn’t provide a deterministic map of having the freedom to cultivate total confusion of the senses in the social milieu.

But he provides a poetic map of psychological flight science.

Will Alexander explicitly declares that his rebellion is outside the atmosphere of the desolate conscious land, but it belongs to the poetic insight that removes earthly contradictions and from which all psychological ignition stems. 

He condemns and exposes the state of mental submissiveness that directly results in the complete bondage of the body that attracts the fangs of the social market.

Even Will Alexander departs from the concept of traditional surrealism in dealing with dreams and utopia, so he doesn’t present himself as a producer of nightmares, but rather as a guard for the maximum fueling of neurons which produces what we can call imagination.

Then Will Alexander clarifies all the possibilities through which his concept of poetry, imagination, and the psychological world of humans can be misinterpreted, which closes the door to many who might describe Will Alexander’s proposition as strange or culturally transcendent.

We are facing a state of mind that is far removed from the possibility of categorization, sizing, and domestication, and has no possibility of escaping within itself to become ready for social marketing.

Will Alexander differs utterly from many contemporary surrealists in his fierce emphasis on the inability of the intellectual avant-garde of 1924 to tell us today the proper form of rebellion of the unconscious mind.

And he confirms that mental alchemical processes never stop at a specific temporal or spatial form, but rather that the question marks that those processes form represents in themselves an alchemical path that doesn’t stop forming and momentary change.

Will Alexander’s imaginative energy is not tied to a finite theoretical structure but to a living organism or electrical permanence coming from the Neanderthals’ ages on Earth.

This energy cannot be subjected to paralyzed surveys.

Will Alexander evolutionarily continues Roberto Matta’s insights into psycho-morphology but goes further than Matta’s theses in that time is for him an environmental and imaginary medium that rhythmically accepts transformations that occur at high speeds or at slow speeds.

Like Matta, Will Alexander’s psychological morphology is a free outline of the transformations that can be absorbed by the mind, swallowed by the eye, and transformed into energies in their initial appearance within the psychological formation of the being.

Only the intuition of the seer-poet can create his/her alchemical relations like a fingerprint.

The seer poet is far from the layer of rot that appears on the surface of Lake of Wisdom in its prevailing concept.

The seer poet is a factory of continuous, uninterrupted, and unconnected psychological shadows.

A factory that represents a chaotic and hidden fountain in itself, where these inner forces mix to open multiple doors to transform aspects of perception of existence, and reality becomes a waste of the imagination, and conventional wisdom becomes a silly and disturbing trumpet.

The poetic state of Will Alexander is

A symbolic, verbal, and neurotic scent that transforms human weakness into an alchemical giant amidst vigilant human savagery and its laws of steel.

From here the galaxy of the collective unconscious emerges with its connecting electrical arteries. 

I agree with Will Alexander on many matters, the most important of which is that my view of the body and its poetic potential is represented in it being an alchemical field that is insatiable for discovery and instantaneous re-transformation and formation.

Which is not far from my view of desire and love in all its forms.

But what I tend to like is the body in itself to be an alchemical space that accommodates all forms of letters and psychological drawings that are not embodied in a physical form at the beginning.

Will Alexander condemns all forms of prevailing cultural and philosophical arrogance and even he calls for the drop of all linguistic values that cause this philosophical retention that humanity lives in, this retention that doesn’t stop leaking to all the microorganisms of our imaginary life.

In this book, Will Alexander presents a philosophical matrix that presents an infinite range of imagination possibilities, its psychological/biological effects, and the possibilities of bridging these possibilities with collective consciousness and unconsciousness.

We are facing a completely new philosophical/physical/biological miracle inside the human imagination.

He completely condemns the theses of Kant and Hegel and their conception regarding the standards of the tyrannical Western mind, but rather the history of philosophical inertia as a whole.

Will Alexander explains that the conscious auditory and mental receptors are nothing but excessive isolation that leads to psychological stiffness at the individual level, but it is similar to the collective condition of Western societies as a whole.

Will Alexander unites with the principles of biological psychological surrealism, but he completely disagrees with historical surrealism. From his point of view, surrealism develops with a concept that precedes itself.

So the crown we can place on this book lies with a sentence

(impossible to contain the mind)

Mohsen Elbelasy

Egyptian surrealist artist and poet and researcher and editor in chief of the Room surrealist Magazine under sulfur-surrealist-jungle

And main director of the international exhibition of surrealism Cairo Saint-Cirq-Lapopie and Echoes of Contemporary Surrealism Exhibition.

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