It may HAPPEN/ By Onfwan Fouad

It may happen

By Onfwan Fouad/ Algeria
Translated from Arabic by Yousef Hanna/ Palestine

It may happen to disagree on the toilet seat,
On the quality of toilet paper,
On the scent of soap,
On the flavor of the shampoo,
On naming a cook,
On skin color,
On pillow shape,
On the width of the bed,
On the pen,
The pen that runs distances of erasure.
On the embrace of our bodies,
While each of us is so overwhelmed
In the well of his heart.
It may happen that my voice nightly entertains you,
My voice wet with eagerness,
Wild eagerness,
The fever continues burning
In the bed of red panting.
It may happen that we meet
At the crossroads of lust
So, you precede me
And I predate you.
It may happen that our disputes persist
Again, and again,
In favor of a night that does not end
Unless we shed our skin.
But we both agree,
Very much agree
On writing a bad diary
As the same the quality of our nights,
And Our desire mewing.
We agree to a death rehearsal
At every encounter.
Till have plenty space for us
Tomb of love.
We agree to admit
In front of a moon,
In various positions of cosmic cohesion.
We agree to share the act of love
So equally;
Between our tongues
Is mine!
Is yours!
Then we agree,
Agree to break
The last key
Inside a lock
Of door
Was separating us.

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