The Hidden by Mitchell Pluto

Rising a stone by magic, welcome to operational masonry

A line and a key zaps Ben Franklin

Cement is a recipe

Reflected strings and movable pulleys are underneath emblematic symbols

When a ladder was really a sled

A kite floating on waves is a tetrahedral

There’s nothing occult about wind lifting stone

Each face can serve as the base

See the highest point on every side

The number 6 is a beautiful flower

It is a duplicate 3 that creates a horizontal midpoint on the equator, somewhere

The ancient Egyptian hieroglyph that looks like an A is a tool that shapes soil

You can find this among the trade secrets in the history of cranes or the beaker god, or better yet, Seshat, the mistress of the architects

The first gods were animals, search for the cultures who wore the leopard skin to trace the origin of our cognition

Natural glass, magnets and meteorites are unusual. There is some jewelry that emits a charge as a radioactive amulet, an occult power that becomes an actual curse

so I heard

There is a hopping base line on a circular drum pad

I discover a type of pattern in geometry that involves rebounds within a circle

How spooky this is?

It’s not scary, it’s just geometry

We can use these lines to reframe our superstition with other words

Recognize the vampire is nothing but a tapeworm in the brain

That is how garlic acts against vampires

Mitchell Pluto 3/12/2024

Mitchell Pluto is an artist originally from Vermont. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Arts from Northern Vermont University and completed an internship in Museum Studies at The Helen Day Art Center in Stowe, Vermont.

After relocating to Taos, New Mexico, his attention shifted towards art and writing.

In 2009, Mitchell was invited to contribute to the collective exposition, Umbral Secreto Surrealismo in Santiago, Chile. In 2019, he was an artist in the Exposición 100 Años De Surrealismo at the Espacio Matta Museum in La Granja, Chile. Mitchell has paintings in a permanent collection in the Museo De La Solidaridad Salvador Allende and is on a continuing tour with Surrealism Now which last showed at the Mafra Palace UNESCO World Heritage Site in Portugal. His first published writing is a group poem in the International Exhibition of Surrealism Cairo 2022 – Poetic & Critical Anthology: Part 1.

Mitchell lives in Plains, Montana with his wife, jewelry designer Julie Burns, and together they manage their company Gypsy Moon Designs. His first book is From the Eclipse and second Cadaver Dogs

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